ILM Team Leader Development Programme


The role of a Contact Centre Team Leader is challenging, diverse and dynamic reflecting an ever-evolving world of Contact Centres. With such operating criteria, it is essential that our Team Leaders are developed to be the best they can be, are equipped to deliver at the highest level, identifying with key business drivers and the individual needs of their teams.

The successful Team Leaders of the future need to be able to draw upon sound business methodology, management and leadership techniques to offer direction, instruction and guidance to their teams, placing particular emphasis on addressing behaviours and cultures for achievement of set goals, coaching and mentoring for success in both personal achievement and in turn, positively impacting on customer satisfaction.

It is with these key deliverables as guiding principles, that this Team Leader Development Programme will offer each attending Team Leader the opportunity of being part of a unique learning experience, where the benefits of the ILM Team Leader Framework are imbedded throughout a structured and timely framework, underpinned by 4 practical and bespoke Contact Centre Workshops. All sessions are geared to individual needs, specific tasks the Team Leaders are working towards and any centre challenges the group want to cover. This programme will embrace both the private and public sector, and all sizes of organisation contact centres.

For more information

For more information about being a part of this unique learning experience please contact Emily Shaw.

Download information booklet